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This page makes use of terms that are defined in the OpenMdev Glossary.

If you're curious what a given term means you can check there for a definition.

This page will be used to document the internals of the Mdev-GPU package.

Currently Mdev-GPU supports registering mediated callbacks with the Mediated Core and the creation of arbitrary mdev devices.

Mdev-GPU's source code can be found here.

Module docs can be found here.


Compiling Mdev-GPU from source is very simple however it can take a long time to complete (10 minutes for existing sources).

If you'd like to compile Mdev-GPU yourself you can do so by cloning the repo and running the following two commands from within the repository directory:

curl -sSL | sh

stack install

These commands will generate all binaries provided by Mdev-GPU under the path ~/.local/bin/.

If you would prefer not to wait for the program to compile you can find pre-compiled x86_64 binaries under the Releases section of the repository on GitHub.



The Mdev-GPU repository provides systemd service and example configuration in the /etc/ path.
